Michigan Executive
Background Checks
Comprehensive Background Checks
By Michigan Private Investigators

Dan, Michigan Executive Background Check Expert

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Michigan Executive Background CheckExecutive background check in Michigan

Henry Kissinger once said, “the task of a leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been”.  Finding that next successful leader to guide your business towards growth and your ultimate goals is a matter which will involve many steps and should involve a great amount of consideration.  A chief executive officer or anyone in a position of power in your company will often be the face of your company to your customers, business associates, and the media.

One step in the due diligence process is a Michigan executive background check, which can range from verifying information provided on a resume to locating bankruptcy records to contacting people regarding their character and reputation.  This can be a long tenuous process that should not be rushed.   Hiring professionals to complete this investigation is the only suitable way to handle it.

Looking for candidates with good character, professionalism, experience, and reputation is a must.  That should all verified through evidence and testimony, not just trusted on the applicant’s word alone.

Why Should You Have a Michigan Executive Background Check Completed?

When representing your company, a CEO or a manager often is the only face the media will see of your company.  Let’s think about some notorious CEOs that make the news frequently: Elon Musk of Telsa and SpaceX or Jeff Bezos of Amazon.  Both men have made the news headlines recently and not for their companies’ successful business management and growth.  They both have been making headlines due to scandalous behavior or their personal lives.

Looking for your next CEO or manager involves a careful look at the reputation of the candidate.  If your business is making headlines, you want to make sure it was for a great accomplishment, not a potential public relations nightmare.   During a Michigan executive background check, running different analytics tools to see what references the candidate makes on their social media accounts is an important task.

For example, you need to determine if they would be siding too closely with a political extremist group, or spending much of their free time frequenting nightclubs with minors.  A CEO or manager is the top representative of your company, and choosing a candidate with good character and a good reputation is essential.  Through a background check for managers, research into bankruptcies, assets, and court proceedings here in Michigan can show what their reputation outside of the workplace is like.  These searches could also highlight the good things a candidate can bring to the table.

For example, looking at Microsoft’s Bill Gates’ resume it would show his large and continued success with creating a technology company.  With some further investigation, you would see he largely contributes to different charities, and spends time with his family.  A sense of integrity and character will make a big change for your company in a good way.  A thorough Michigan executive background check will take the time to investigate those small details further than a standard background check.

Need an Executive Background Check? Call ASG to Discuss Your Options! 

Another aspect that should be taken into deliberation is professionalism.  As an investigation company, we often conduct reference interviews in regard to Michigan pre-employment screening.  Along the same lines, for Michigan executive background checks, we can make discreet contact with employees that would have previously worked under your potential CEO candidate.

Excellent leaders have a higher employee satisfaction rate.  Talking with an unhappy employee can explain where there could be bumps in the road ahead for your company with the potential candidate at the helm.  On the other hand, talking with a happy prior employee may give you the impression that the candidate could overly generous with company funds, a push-over when it comes to time-off requests, or unconcerned in regard to punctuality.

Finding a manager or CEO that can handle the tough decisions when managing employees and finding that balance with overseeing tasks is important.  A CEO that micromanages every detail can be detrimental, and being the polar opposite, such as a CEO that contributes nothing but takes credit, can affect every aspect of your business.  Great leaders treat everyone with respect and can work with the team for the greater good.  As a professional investigative firm, we can assist with the calls with discretion and get answers to help with the decision process.

How to Initiate a Michigan Executive Background Check

The first step in conducting a background check is determining what information you are looking to locate.  If you are uncertain on what searches you should be looking for, consider the position.  It may help to think of the best and worst case scenarios that the manager or CEO would be taking control of.

  • Will the candidate be handling contracts with investors?
  • Will the person be making direct decisions regarding budget?
  • How frequently will they be named in the media (press statements, social media, product releases, promotion material)?
  • What capacity will they be involved with human relation matters?
  • Is there confidential information that they will be responsible to protect?

These are just a sample of the questions we tackle every day.  Using questions like these, a Michigan professional investigator can use the resources at their fingertips and identify areas that should require more attention.  Conducting an investigation specific to your needs is just one of the great advantages of hiring experts instead of running an online background check or leaving the task up to an already overwhelmed HR employee.

Candidates can tell you of their many accomplishments and management qualities in an interview or on their resume, but doing your due diligence with potential CEOs or managers to verify these details and looking further has limitless advantages. The Michigan employee screening process for any position should require care and consideration, but the next leader of your company should not be rushed.  Keep your company or business secure with your final decision.

If you are looking to hire a real Michigan private investigator to assist with your companies executive background checks, call us today! We service the Metro Detroit area from Dearborn to Birmingham, Sterling Heights to Novi, Clinton Township to Westland and everything in between!


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